Jellyjuice Column

"A slice of thought with Indonesia topping and jellyjuice sauce, spicy yet releasing!"

Hello there! Welcome will straightly feel my expression when you first read the post title. My column is all about my concern about Indonesia and its surrounding. It's all about expressing myself with writings. I hope you enjoy all the writings posted in my column - Yes, it might not cheers you up, but I can assure you that you will poisoned and addicted to my writings :).

In my freestyle writing, you will shortly found emotion, passion, and connection with them. Please don't blame me if you experienced these. So, please join me to make writing as a mean for communication, meditation and energy channel for positivity. A way to find peace and harmony a-la Jellyjuice. So, if you have comments to write on please feel free to do so, flower or chocolate milk are also welcome :). Thanks for stopping by, please leave your blog's url so i can visit you back :). All and all, never stop expressing yourself to the world with writing !

Umihanik a.k.a Jellyjuice

| My mother drew a distinction between achievement and success. She said that achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others. That is nice but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and later on success | Me on Facebook | Follow @umihanik_ME on Twitter| Me on Linkedin | Keep in touch with me? Read my daily notes^ | My short professional bio: Umi Hanik is professional in development evaluation who has been working for many bilateral/multilateral organisations in Indonesia for the past 17 years. She holds BA and master of economics in public policy and pursuing advanced master/predoctoral studies in development evaluation. She works as M&E specialist for Asian Development Bank (ADB) program with Mercy Corps International on a national strategy to promote agritech 4.0 informations extension for smallholder farmers to cope with extreme climate in Indonesia from Oct 2018-Jan 2020. Currently she also serves as evaluation consultant for KSI-DFAT, GIZ-PAKLIM, DREAM-JICA, SSC-JICA until April 2020. Among her outstanding works, she has contributed to the national development planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation reforms in Indonesia. Her current research interest is in the politics of evaluation and the politics of social interventions for the poor. And along with her professional career, she has contributed to the evaluation society by motivating, supporting, and mentoring young and emerging evaluators in Indonesia. She has also very active in the effort of establishing the national/regional evaluation association. She is the founding members of Indonesian Development Evaluation Community (InDEC)*, Board Directors of Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA)**, and Management members of EvalGender+***. Being adaptive with 4.0 industrial revolution call and during her evalreflection, in April 2018 she starting to develop MONEVStudio, a startup to promote sustainable development and evaluation literacy and inclusiveness. P.s. MONEV is a popular acronym in Indonesia for MONitoring and Evaluation. Drop her an email at for her latest cv. *) InDEC ( is a Voluntary Organization for Professional Evaluation (VOPE) was founded on June 4th 2009 aiming at promoting qualified M&E professional; to enhance knowledge, capacity, and experience sharing among M&E professionals in Indonesia; and to promote better M&E practice for the development process in Indonesia, regional and international. Full profile/history read here **) ***)

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  • M&E PHLN antara teori kebijakan dan praktik
  • MRV of the NAMAs
  • Performance Budgeting and M&E
  • M&E Penyelamat Instansi Pemerintah
  • M&E dan Pemanfaatan PHLN
  • Subsidi Minyak Goreng
  • Stimulus Fiskal 2009
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  • Catatan RUU APBN 2009
  • Pelaksanaan APBN 2006
  • Penanganan Krisis 2008
  • Reformasi Perpajakan
  • Ekonomi 2003
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  • Krisis Global dan Pangan
  • Krisis, Ekspor, Pembiayaan
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  • Postur RAPBN 2009
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    Al-Hidayah : Free Education for All


    Wednesday, April 27, 2005

    Count Your Blessings.... "Pulitzer Prize"
    Kiriman email dari seorang teman dan beberapa percakapan dalam sebuah milis...

    The photo in the mail is the Pulitzer Prize winning photo taken in 1994 during the sudan famine. The picture depicts a famine stricken child crawling towards a united nations food camp, located a kilometer away. The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat it. This picture shocked the whole world. No one knows what happened to the child, including the photographer Kevin carter who left the place as soon as the photograph was taken. Three months later he committed suicide due to depression.

    He said : Dear God, I promise I will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full I may be. I pray that He will protect this little boy, guide and deliver him away from his misery. I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the world around us and not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interests.
    I hope this picture will always serve as a reminder to us that how fortunate we are and that we must never ever take things for granted. Please don't break.. keep on forwarding to our friends On this good day. Let's make a prayer for the suffering in anywhere anyplace around the globe and send this friendly reminder to others "Think & look at this... when you complain about your food and the food we wasted daily........
    > Bagaimana Nasib Sang Bocah......>> Ada cerita yang belum lengkap dibalik tragedi terpilihnya foto Kevin Carter ini sebagai pemenang "Pulitzer" (setara dengan WorldPress Photo, namun hanya khusus untuk wartawan Amrik saja ) .Setelahfoto ini dipublikasikan, memang timbul kegoncangan di tengah masyarakat "Bagaimana mungkin sang fotografer dengan tangan dingin tega memotret dan tidak melakukan apa-apa(?)sementara sang bocah sekarat menunggu di santap si burung Condor (opo burung Nazar,Pung?)??!!" .Hingga sekelompok wartawan senior (Dewan Pers-nyasanalah) berinisiatif membentuk Pansus, yang segera melakukan investigasi untuk mencari tahu bagaimana nasib sang bocah di foto tsb. Setelah melakukan serangkaian penyelidikan, pansus ini akhirnya menemukan bukti bahwa sang bocah telah sampai dengan ...SELAMAT ditempat penampungan. Akhirnya foto ini memang mendapat ganjaran "Pulitzer" untuk kategori Foto Berita.Dan memang....Sang Fotografer bunuh diri tak lama setelah itu.
    bagaimana nasib sang bocah??..ternyata nggak sedikit yg bernasib seperti bocah tersebut..i myself recommend you guys to watch this movie..BEYOND BORDERS.. this movie was one of the best i've seen, the scenes in the movie are so dramatic and real, they make you say "wow, do i got life good?" the people and places show up on your screen it's like they are speaking to you and saying "see how hard it is!" it makes you never want to waste food or throw away your dinner.. angelina jolie n clive owen plays their role great! their worries and pains in the movie have a realistic expression upon them, it's not about cheesy crying and fake tears! it's real pain!
    the people in the places they travel to like cambodia and africa show how lucky others really are! how difficult they have it! people dying and so starved they can't eat..

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    Monday, April 11, 2005

    Minggu siang, secara tidak sengaja ikut menyimak muhasabahnya AA GYM yang di istiqlal. Sebagai bagian dari dakwah, tanggung jawab, kepedulian terhadap bangsa, dan demi kemaslahatan umat (demikian kira2 saya mencoba menterjemahkan), yang bersangkutan mencoba menegaskan berulang2 kepada pendengarnya untuk tidak memilih pilkada (mestinya kada aja kali ya..) yang punya ciri2 T-E-N-G-I-L kepanjangan dari Takabbur, Egois, Norak, Galak, hhmmm..I sama Lnya apa ya (hehe, lupa..sapa yang bisa bantu ayoo..). Menarik, mengingat momennya memang pas deket pilkada..

    Keteladanan, mungkin satu kata yang cukup sederhana ini sangat susah kita temukan. Belakangan, jelang pilkada ini harapan banyak orang tentunya akan lahir kada (baca : kepala daerah) yang bener2 'merakyat' trus 'baru' dan bukannya cuman ganti periodenya aja..hehe, SUKSES DEH PILKADA !!
    eh, ada lagi yang menarik..belakangan juga lagi rame2nya kongres partai gede PDI P yang keukeh mempertahankan ibunya dan akhirnya menyisakan apa yang banyak dilansir koran sebagai gerakan pembaharuan..entah dari apa?? trus PAN yang baru kemaren punya ketua baru yang konon katanya seorang pengusaha tapi nggak populer, ntar lagi PKB partainya politisi sarungan yang gagah dengan slogan 'maju tak gentar membela yang benar'..blablabla,
    dan saya dapat sms sama fax yang isinya permohonan (atau perintah kali ya..) untuk menyebarluaskan info dengan judul pertanggungjawaban publik si-xxx (anggota dewan pusat), disebuah hotel mewah..ya meski yang punya gawe senior saya dalam hati saya bertanya "gak salah alamat nih?" "kalo memang judulnya pertanggung jawaban kok tempatnya di hotel? dah gitu dijakarta pula? napa gak di daerah (kampung) pemilihan dia aja? konstituen yang dulu banyak dijanjiin ini & itu..." tanda tanya besar..kok ya ada2 saja,

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    Thursday, April 07, 2005

    sebenernya tadi mau posting soal makin panasnya hubungan jepang, china, begitu klik publish post tunggu punya tunggu kok error, saya coba klik lha kok ilang, di forward juga dah nggak bisa..mau ngetik lagi..waaah..gimana bisa nulis lagi wong dongkolnya setengah mati..lesu deh!

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    Friday, April 01, 2005

    apa kabar saudaraku di awal bulan ini ?

    sengaja agak telat..jeda sejenak,
    belum lama kita dihentakkan dengan tsunami di aceh, lagi di penghujung maret 2005 bumi saudara kita di Nias digoncangkan dengan begitu dasyatnya,

    tidak sedikit saudara kita berguguran seperti yang diberitakan ada kurang lebih 2000 orang..ya, dan (lagi2) tidak banyak yang bisa kita lakukan..selain bertanya2..kenapa?? satu tanda kecil bagi kita yang (tentu saja) merasa diberi karunia untuk bisa membacanya..maha besar ALLAH..have a great weekend and may Allah bless you :)

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