Jellyjuice Column

"A slice of thought with Indonesia topping and jellyjuice sauce, spicy yet releasing!"

Hello there! Welcome will straightly feel my expression when you first read the post title. My column is all about my concern about Indonesia and its surrounding. It's all about expressing myself with writings. I hope you enjoy all the writings posted in my column - Yes, it might not cheers you up, but I can assure you that you will poisoned and addicted to my writings :).

In my freestyle writing, you will shortly found emotion, passion, and connection with them. Please don't blame me if you experienced these. So, please join me to make writing as a mean for communication, meditation and energy channel for positivity. A way to find peace and harmony a-la Jellyjuice. So, if you have comments to write on please feel free to do so, flower or chocolate milk are also welcome :). Thanks for stopping by, please leave your blog's url so i can visit you back :). All and all, never stop expressing yourself to the world with writing !

Umihanik a.k.a Jellyjuice

| My mother drew a distinction between achievement and success. She said that achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others. That is nice but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and later on success | Me on Facebook | Follow @umihanik_ME on Twitter| Me on Linkedin | Keep in touch with me? Read my daily notes^ | My short professional bio: Umi Hanik is professional in development evaluation who has been working for many bilateral/multilateral organisations in Indonesia for the past 17 years. She holds BA and master of economics in public policy and pursuing advanced master/predoctoral studies in development evaluation. She works as M&E specialist for Asian Development Bank (ADB) program with Mercy Corps International on a national strategy to promote agritech 4.0 informations extension for smallholder farmers to cope with extreme climate in Indonesia from Oct 2018-Jan 2020. Currently she also serves as evaluation consultant for KSI-DFAT, GIZ-PAKLIM, DREAM-JICA, SSC-JICA until April 2020. Among her outstanding works, she has contributed to the national development planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation reforms in Indonesia. Her current research interest is in the politics of evaluation and the politics of social interventions for the poor. And along with her professional career, she has contributed to the evaluation society by motivating, supporting, and mentoring young and emerging evaluators in Indonesia. She has also very active in the effort of establishing the national/regional evaluation association. She is the founding members of Indonesian Development Evaluation Community (InDEC)*, Board Directors of Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA)**, and Management members of EvalGender+***. Being adaptive with 4.0 industrial revolution call and during her evalreflection, in April 2018 she starting to develop MONEVStudio, a startup to promote sustainable development and evaluation literacy and inclusiveness. P.s. MONEV is a popular acronym in Indonesia for MONitoring and Evaluation. Drop her an email at for her latest cv. *) InDEC ( is a Voluntary Organization for Professional Evaluation (VOPE) was founded on June 4th 2009 aiming at promoting qualified M&E professional; to enhance knowledge, capacity, and experience sharing among M&E professionals in Indonesia; and to promote better M&E practice for the development process in Indonesia, regional and international. Full profile/history read here **) ***)

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Paper Collections

  • M&E PHLN antara teori kebijakan dan praktik
  • MRV of the NAMAs
  • Performance Budgeting and M&E
  • M&E Penyelamat Instansi Pemerintah
  • M&E dan Pemanfaatan PHLN
  • Subsidi Minyak Goreng
  • Stimulus Fiskal 2009
  • Ekspor & Pembiayaan
  • Energi & APBN 2008
  • APBN, Investasi, Tabungan
  • Pembangunan Perdesaan
  • Banjir, Infrastruktur, Pangan
  • Ekonomi 2008
  • Catatan RUU APBN 2009
  • Pelaksanaan APBN 2006
  • Penanganan Krisis 2008
  • Reformasi Perpajakan
  • Ekonomi 2003
  • Pangan dan Inflasi
  • Krisis Global dan Pangan
  • Krisis, Ekspor, Pembiayaan
  • M&E Alignment, Aid Effectiveness
  • Postur RAPBN 2009
  • Pangan & Problematikanya
  • Kebijakan M&E Pinjaman Luar Negeri
  • Pertanian & Kedelai
  • Masalah Ketenagakerjaan
  • Subsidi BBM

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    My Campus : Google State University
    My Virtual Family : Blogfam
    Al-Hidayah : Free Education for All


    Friday, May 28, 2004

    Mari kita simak halaman depan kompas hari ini :

    Sekitar 23 ribu pencari kerja memadati hari pertama Pameran Bursa Kerja (Job Fair) Nasional 2004 yang digelar di arena Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ), Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (27/5), yang diselenggarakan Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Depnakertrans).

    Kondisi tersebut memperkuat data bahwa jumlah pengangguran di Indonesia sangat tinggi, yakni sekitar 40 juta orang di seluruh Indonesia dan pemerintah berusaha mencarikan solusi dengan mempertemukan pencari kerja dan perusahaan yang membutuhkan tenaga kerja melalui Job Fair.

    Komentar : Bersabarlah..kawan!!

    Read more!

    Tuesday, May 25, 2004

    Headline kompas hari ini :

    Seorang wanita tua (baca : nenek2) Palestina menangis
    setelah mendapati rumahnya di kamp pengungsi Rafah di jalur Gaza
    dihancurkan tentara Israel, Senin (24/5).

    Israel melakukan sapu bersih dalam enam hari terakhir di jalur Gaza,
    yang mengakibatkan rumah-rumah tinggal puing serta
    menewaskan 42 warga Palestina
    hingga menimbulkan kemarahan internasional

    komentar : ..duh Gusti!!

    Read more!

    Monday, May 24, 2004

    Nirmala O..Nirmala..

    Well..i have no word for writing..
    not even when you show up with all your pain..
    ..all the world cry for your..misery,

    Nirmala..dan nirmala yang lain..
    aku nggak tau, apakah lirik ini nyata,
    meski terlambat..yang jelas kamu layak untuk
    diperlakukan sama dengan yang lain karena
    kita hidup di naungan langit yang sama,

    ..i saw the morning, it was shattered by a gun,
    heard a scream, saw him fall, no one cried,
    i saw a mother, she was praying for her son,
    bring him back, let him live..dont let him die,
    do you ever ask your self, is there a heaven in the sky..
    why can't we get it right..

    cause we all live under the same sun,
    we all walk under the same moon,
    then why..why can't we live as one..

    i saw the evening, fading shadows one by one,
    we watch the lamb, lay down too the sacrifice,
    i saw the children of the sun,
    how they wept, how they they died..
    do you ever ask your self, is there a heaven in the sky..
    why can't we stop the fight..

    But in my heart it doesnt change,
    we've got to rearrange & bring our world some LOVE,
    and does it really matter, if there's heaven up above,
    we sure could use some love..

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    Wednesday, May 12, 2004

    Buat yang Kebanjiran : I Feel Sorry for You

    semalam, jakarta diguyur hujan cukup deras,
    setelah selama kurang lebih seminggu terasa penat, sesak, dan berpeluh
    makasih buat den mas groban to write such a wonderful words,
    semoga bisa menghibur...

    wash away the thoughts inside that keep my mind away from you
    no more love and no more pride and thoughts are all i have to do

    remember when it rained
    i felt the ground and looked up high and called your name
    remember when it rained in the darkness i remain

    tears of hope run down my skin tears for you that will not dry
    they magnify the one within and let the outside slowly die

    remember when it rained
    i felt the ground and looked up high and called your name
    remember when it rained
    in the water i remain, running down...
    hiks, tambah sedih yah?
    yaa..kalo gitu coba aja inget2 momen terbaik pas hujan2 gini,
    haa..masih juga sedih? then, i have no word to say but

    Read more!

    Tuesday, May 04, 2004

    Mahasiswa vs Polisi : Tragedi UMI Makassar

    seperti yang didiskripsikan dalam editorial koran tempo pagi ini,
    thus tayangan di layar televisi yang nampak gamblang : polisi dengan
    senjata terhunus, senapan terkokang, meruyak menyerbu kampus,
    mendobrak ruang kuliah, laboratorium, ruang dekan, lalu menyeret,
    menggasak, mementungi kepala2 mahasiswa yang menyerah pasrah , kepala
    bocor, darah menetes di mana2...

    tindakan ini - sekali lagi - menyuguhkan kepada masyarakat
    satu2nya 'prestasi' polri untuk menghadapi aksi demonstrasi,
    khususnya kepada mahasiswa : kekerasan !!
    ada apa dengan polri?

    hari berikutnya, seolah termakan dendam..mahasiswa melakukan balasan,
    dengan menutup jalan, membakar ban, melakukan penyisiran..mata nanar,
    berharap menemukan sosok untuk lampiaskan amarah, spanduk terbentang
    panjang..DARAH dibalas DARAH, what a scary news??

    tindakan balasan mahasiswa yg disuguhkan ini - berikut proses
    bargaining yang menegasikan intelektualitas - bagaimanapun nggak bisa
    dibenarkan, mahasiswa yg selama ini dipandang sebagai sosok 'ing
    ngarso sung tulodho' atas proses pembelajaran kehidupan
    berdemokratisasi, bisa jadi dipandang oleh masyarakat kita sebagai
    pembenaran atas tindak anarkhisme dalam penyampaian pendapat, what a
    scary view? preseden buruk sekaligus memalukan !!

    btw, turut prihatin atas tragedi berdarah yang menimpa mahasiswa UMI
    Makassar dan sebagian mahasiswa Unhas, ke depan..moga menjadi
    pelajaran berharga,

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