Jellyjuice Column

"A slice of thought with Indonesia topping and jellyjuice sauce, spicy yet releasing!"

Hello there! Welcome will straightly feel my expression when you first read the post title. My column is all about my concern about Indonesia and its surrounding. It's all about expressing myself with writings. I hope you enjoy all the writings posted in my column - Yes, it might not cheers you up, but I can assure you that you will poisoned and addicted to my writings :).

In my freestyle writing, you will shortly found emotion, passion, and connection with them. Please don't blame me if you experienced these. So, please join me to make writing as a mean for communication, meditation and energy channel for positivity. A way to find peace and harmony a-la Jellyjuice. So, if you have comments to write on please feel free to do so, flower or chocolate milk are also welcome :). Thanks for stopping by, please leave your blog's url so i can visit you back :). All and all, never stop expressing yourself to the world with writing !

Umihanik a.k.a Jellyjuice

| My mother drew a distinction between achievement and success. She said that achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others. That is nice but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and later on success | Me on Facebook | Follow @umihanik_ME on Twitter| Me on Linkedin | Keep in touch with me? Read my daily notes^ | My short professional bio: Umi Hanik is professional in development evaluation who has been working for many bilateral/multilateral organisations in Indonesia for the past 17 years. She holds BA and master of economics in public policy and pursuing advanced master/predoctoral studies in development evaluation. She works as M&E specialist for Asian Development Bank (ADB) program with Mercy Corps International on a national strategy to promote agritech 4.0 informations extension for smallholder farmers to cope with extreme climate in Indonesia from Oct 2018-Jan 2020. Currently she also serves as evaluation consultant for KSI-DFAT, GIZ-PAKLIM, DREAM-JICA, SSC-JICA until April 2020. Among her outstanding works, she has contributed to the national development planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation reforms in Indonesia. Her current research interest is in the politics of evaluation and the politics of social interventions for the poor. And along with her professional career, she has contributed to the evaluation society by motivating, supporting, and mentoring young and emerging evaluators in Indonesia. She has also very active in the effort of establishing the national/regional evaluation association. She is the founding members of Indonesian Development Evaluation Community (InDEC)*, Board Directors of Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA)**, and Management members of EvalGender+***. Being adaptive with 4.0 industrial revolution call and during her evalreflection, in April 2018 she starting to develop MONEVStudio, a startup to promote sustainable development and evaluation literacy and inclusiveness. P.s. MONEV is a popular acronym in Indonesia for MONitoring and Evaluation. Drop her an email at for her latest cv. *) InDEC ( is a Voluntary Organization for Professional Evaluation (VOPE) was founded on June 4th 2009 aiming at promoting qualified M&E professional; to enhance knowledge, capacity, and experience sharing among M&E professionals in Indonesia; and to promote better M&E practice for the development process in Indonesia, regional and international. Full profile/history read here **) ***)

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Paper Collections

  • M&E PHLN antara teori kebijakan dan praktik
  • MRV of the NAMAs
  • Performance Budgeting and M&E
  • M&E Penyelamat Instansi Pemerintah
  • M&E dan Pemanfaatan PHLN
  • Subsidi Minyak Goreng
  • Stimulus Fiskal 2009
  • Ekspor & Pembiayaan
  • Energi & APBN 2008
  • APBN, Investasi, Tabungan
  • Pembangunan Perdesaan
  • Banjir, Infrastruktur, Pangan
  • Ekonomi 2008
  • Catatan RUU APBN 2009
  • Pelaksanaan APBN 2006
  • Penanganan Krisis 2008
  • Reformasi Perpajakan
  • Ekonomi 2003
  • Pangan dan Inflasi
  • Krisis Global dan Pangan
  • Krisis, Ekspor, Pembiayaan
  • M&E Alignment, Aid Effectiveness
  • Postur RAPBN 2009
  • Pangan & Problematikanya
  • Kebijakan M&E Pinjaman Luar Negeri
  • Pertanian & Kedelai
  • Masalah Ketenagakerjaan
  • Subsidi BBM

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    My Campus : Google State University
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    Al-Hidayah : Free Education for All


    Monday, May 30, 2005

    Jakarta, lewat kompas yang saya baca awal Juni telah dinyatakan siaga satu menyusul peristiwa bom tentena, hal ini bisa kita maklumi sebagai bagian dari upaya antisipasi terhadap teror2 sejenis, teror bom seolah telah menjadi hajatan resmi tiap tahun..kita warga Jakarta deg2an menebak2 kira2 gedung mana yang akan jadi sasaran berikutnya?Pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah apakah benar bahwa teror/konflik yang terjadi di negeri ini adalah proyek yang sengaja dipelihara?? Jika iya jawabnya, maka malang benar nasib ibu & anaknya yang tengah asik belanja dipasar beberapa detik kemudian berdarah2, tercerai berai, luluh lantak oleh ledakan bom yang tidak mereka sangka2 sebelumnya..aaarrrrgh!!

    mereka tidak mengerti dan tidak tau menahu mengapa mereka yang musti menerima bom tak bertuan itu..tega2nya mereka dijadikan tumbal untuk kepentingan2 sesaat dan nggak jelas..
    tragedi lain di negeri ini-pun sepertinya tak mau juga usai, musibah kebakaran, bencana alam, dan seterusnya..tajuk kompas selasa-nya pun turut mempertanyakan hal tidak jauh dari titel posting saya kali ini..setelah polio di Jabar, busung lapar di NTB, apalagi..?? Benarkah ini terjadi sebagai "kecelakaan", by default (kebetulan), dan tidak direncanakan (not by design)?

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    Wednesday, May 18, 2005

    Let's share...
    Belakangan, saya begitu excited nonton TV reality show bertajuk "bagi2 rejeki"..ada sedikit rasa turut bergembira menyaksikan wajah2 lusuh yang histeris & menangis haru sebagai ekspresi kegembiraan demi mendapatkan apa2 (yang mungkin menurut kita nggak ada nilainya) yang selama ini jauh dari jangkauan bahkan di mimpi2 mereka sekalipun..menyesakkan memang. Tentu banyak sekali nada sumbang akan adanya acara tsb, rata2 mereka meneriakkan "eksploitasi kemiskinan" ada lagi "komersialisasi orang miskin" blablabla..saya sih nggak peduli, karena bagi saya, acara ini menyisipkan satu pesan mendalam bagi pemirsanya..yakni SEMANGAT BERBAGI, well guyz..apakah saya terlalu berlebihan & berharap banyak??
    Berikut saya kutip lirik & ilustrasi indah 'Heal d World' dari D Jacko-King of Pop yang kayanya mewakili apa yg ingin saya sampaikan ke kawan2 semuanya..Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better world for our children and our children's children. So that they know it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better place...

    There's a place in your heart And I know that it is love And this place could be much Brighter than tomorrow. And if you really try You'll find there's no need to cry
    In this place you'll feel There's no hurt or sorrow. There are ways to get there If you care enough for the living. Make a little space, make a better place.
    Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race. There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place for You and for me.

    If you want to know why There's a love that cannot lie. Love is strong It only cares for joyful giving. If we try we shall see In this bliss we cannot feel. Fear or dread We stop existing and start living. Then it feels that always Love's enough for us growing. Make a better world, make a better world. And the dream we would conceived in Will reveal a joyful face. And the world we once believed in Will shine again in grace. Then why do we keep strangling life Wound this earth, crucify it's soul. Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly Be God's glow.

    We could fly so high Let our spirits never die. In my heart I feel You are all my brothers. Create a world with no fear Together we'll cry happy tears. See the nations turn Their swords into plowshares. We could really get there If you cared enough for the living. Make a little space to make a better place. There are people dying if you care enough for the living. Make a better place for you and for me.
    There are people dying if you care enough for the living. Make a better place for you and for me.

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    Friday, May 06, 2005

    Dalam Negeri Kita Pekan Ini :
    dah lama juga nggak ngulas bahasan utama media2 di tanah air belakangan ini, ada apa aja ya?? moga ada kegembiraan & harapan baru..
    pengusaha singapura masih gelisah akan korupsi di indonesia :(
    miranda : bankir jangan khawatir berlebihan-terkait kredit macet bank mandiri
    serangan virus polio liar di sukabumi meluas
    kepala biro keuangan KPU Hamdani ditahan-kelola dana rekanan Rp 20M
    pendaftaran partai bermasalah belum diterima-respon dephuk&ham atas ramainya konflik internal partai paska kongres
    indonesia & malaysia diminta ingat sejarah
    pelapor "deposito bodong" minta perlindungan KPK
    panglima TNI minta pemerintah proteksi industri strategis pertahanan
    komisi kebenaran & rekonsiliasi bisa panggil paksa jenderal besar SOEHARTO pemerintah dinilai intervensi parpol
    KPUD berlebihan terhadap pemantau

    mendiknas prihatin atas maraknya kasus siswa bunuh diri
    sekitar 60% mahasiswa UT berprofesi guru : pantes masuk angin terus :)
    pembangunan kembali NAD dan nias tidak prioritaskan lingkungan
    dituntut keseriusan KLH dalam kasus buyat
    virus polio liar bisa tunda target eradikasi 2005
    distribusi bbm di bangka kisruh
    harga avtur naik lagi-maskapai penerbangan hapus kelas murah:(
    depkeu berhak batalkan perda2 bermasalah yang dikeluarkan kab & kota
    surplus transaksi berjalan 2005 turun jadi US$ 3,179 M
    harga semen mulai bergerak naik
    penyidikan dugaan korupsi di pandeglang terganjal ijin
    puluhan dokter di RS pasar rebo mogok, pelayanan pasien terlambat
    perampok todong ibu & anak dengan pistol & golok
    warga ramai2 tangkapi ikan mati
    diselidiki, keterkaitan 3 tersangka kasus mamasa & bom marriot
    tempat hiburan diminta bebas ekstasi
    pangdam jaya : terorisme dgn target obyek vital masih menjadi ancaman aktual
    DPRD jabar : bojong belum layak jadi TPST
    proyek jalan & pengendalian banjir tersendat2
    buron, mantan bupati ditangkap di bandung
    pesawat latih TNI AU alami "insiden" di bandara solo
    dianggap cemarkan nama baik, 2 wartawan divonis 9 bulan penjara
    standard & poor's tidak mengubah peringkat indonesia
    buruh angkut keluhkan maraknya pelabuhan ilegal
    kemiskinan picu maraknya perdagangan perempuan
    polairud amankan 2000 ton gula thailand
    rumah adat karo terus berkurang
    berkedok operasi hutan lestari, oknum polisi peras pengusaha penggergajian
    tak mampu biayai sekolah adik-andi purwanto nekat mencoba bunuh diri
    sumur petro china bocor, 345 hektar HTI rusak
    KONI pusat tidak pasang target juara umum di SEA games philipina 2005
    dao thien hai kalahkan susanto megaranto-GM catur indonesia dalam dwi tarung catur japfa chess festival II
    pilihan terbatas di kelas amatir-seleksi pedansa untuk SEAgames XXIII/2005 karena sebatas hobi & jarang yang fokus untuk kompetisi
    sekalipun tanpa jadwal, PSSI tetap gelar piala indonesia : kebiasaan manajemen yg buruk !!
    rubrik opini :
    tangkap tikusnya, jangan bakar lumbungnya-terkait laporan BPK
    robohnya sekolah kami-antologi dari maraknya sekolah yg rubuh kali yee..
    apa yang kau cari "masyarakat sipil"?-masih seputar kasus KPU
    korupsi dan transaksi keuangan-lagi2 KPU jadi sorotan

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